Crowd Detection AI

Enhance your business’s security, efficiency, and
compliance by monitoring crowd density, space usage,
and loitering in real-time using your existing cameras
with Sirix AI-powered technology crowd detection solution.

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Secure spaces, serene scenes.

Precisely monitor crowd size, dwell time, and spatial distribution in real-time across public venues and facilities. Receive instant alerts when crowd numbers surpass predefined thresholds in designated areas, mitigating injury risks, disputes, and preventing the escalation of unrest.
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Profit peaks.

Leverage heat mapping and comprehensive customer movement analytics to pinpoint crucial trends, including the best times for advertising, which products attract the most interest, the impact of display placements, and peak operational hours. These insights inform strategic decisions on marketing initiatives, staffing levels, and transportation scheduling, all aimed at enhancing overall business performance.
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Compliance clarity.

Manage occupancy and adhere to fire codes effortlessly in real-time. Receive instant alerts about emerging crowds or possible breaches in occupancy limits, maintaining a safe and regulation-compliant environment.

Visionary vigilance.

Sirix’s Crowd Detection AI seamlessly integrates with your existing
camera infrastructure to provide real-time analysis through cloud

Our system monitors the movement of people across all connected
cameras, focusing on patterns and actions rather than identifying
individuals to ensure privacy.

You can customize the system to monitor specific areas at
designated times, allowing for targeted insight collection.

Gain valuable insights into occupancy management, fire code
compliance, and product interest through detailed traffic analysis.

Receive immediate alerts on loitering, public disturbances, or
potential security threats, enhancing safety and operational

Sectors served.

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Enhance safety and experience by managing crowd density, monitoring flow, and ensuring quick response to emergencies.
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Public areas.

Keep parks, squares, and streets safer by detecting gatherings, managing foot traffic, and identifying potential disturbances.
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Transportation hubs.

Improve flow and security in airports, stations, and ports by monitoring crowds, optimizing operations, and reducing congestion.
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Boost sales and customer satisfaction by
analyzing shopper behavior, optimizing store
layouts, and managing peak times efficiently.

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Ensure a secure and efficient workplace by monitoring occupancy, managing space usage, and enhancing emergency preparedness.
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Promote a safe learning environment by controlling occupancy, monitoring common areas, and facilitating smooth evacuations when necessary.
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Enhance resident satisfaction and safety by managing amenities usage, detecting unauthorized gatherings, and ensuring compliance with occupancy limits.
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Healthcare facilities.

Streamline patient flow and ensure compliance with health regulations by monitoring waiting areas, managing visitor traffic, and optimizing facility usage.
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Elevate guest experience and operational efficiency in hotels and resorts by monitoring occupancy, managing event crowds, and enhancing security measures.
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Manufacturing & warehouses.

Improve safety and workflow by controlling access, monitoring worker congregation, and optimizing space utilization.

From surveillance to success.

Accurate insights.

Precision AI delivers clear, actionable insights for informed decision-making.

Code compliance.

Ensures strict adherence to occupancy and safety regulations, maintaining legal and ethical standards.

Privacy protection.

Safeguards individual privacy by focusing on patterns and movements, not personal identification.


Utilizes existing camera infrastructure, avoiding the need for costly new installations.

Productivity peak.

Enhances operational efficiency and opens new revenue opportunities through strategic insights.

Safety strengthened.

Boosts safety by monitoring and managing crowd dynamics and potential hazards.

Scalable solutions.

Easily adapts to business growth, accommodating an increasing number of locations and cameras.

Frequently asked questions

Our system prioritizes privacy by focusing on detecting patterns and movements rather than identifying individuals, ensuring compliance with privacy laws and ethical standards.
Yes, our solution is designed to work seamlessly with your existing camera infrastructure, leveraging cloud technology for real-time analysis without the need for additional hardware.

Our solution serves a wide range of sectors including events, public spaces, parking lots, transportation hubs, retail, offices, schools, condos, healthcare facilities, hospitality, and manufacturing, among others.

It monitors crowd density and flow, sending instant alerts for potential safety hazards or occupancy violations, thereby aiding in adherence to fire codes and other regulations.
By utilizing your existing camera setup and focusing on software-based analysis, our solution eliminates the need for costly new infrastructure, offering significant savings and a quick ROI.

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